Minggu, 08 April 2012

Direct Indirect

  • Jika  reported speech menyatakan kata-kata yang sebenarnya, ini disebut direct speech (kalimat langsung). Kalimat-kalimat tersebut tidak dihubungkan oleh “that” melainkan harus ditandai dengan (tanda baca) koma.
  • Jika reported speech memberikan isi pokok kata-kata yang dipakai oleh si pembicara dan bukan kata-kata yang sebenarnya ini disebut indirect speech (kalimat tidak langsung). Dalam indirect speech kalimat-kalimat itu dihubungkan dengan kata “that”.
He said, ‘I have lost my umbrella.
Kalimat langsung (direct) mempunyai dua bagian, yaitu: reporting sentence dan reported sentence. Reporting sentence adalah klausa yang berisi siapa yang berbicara, sedangkan reported sentence adalah klausa yang berisi apa yang dibicarakan.

Mike said, “I will come to your house.
reporting reported
Sedangkan, pada kalimat tidak langsung (indirect), kita mengungkapkan maksud ucapan pembicara dengan ungkapan yang tidak sama persis.

He said (that) he had lost his umbrella.
A. Kalimat pernyataan (statement) pada kalimat tidak langsung (indirect)
Perubahan direct menjadi indirect pada statement ditandai dengan ‘that’.
Kalimat langsung yang reporting sentence-nya memiliki verb dalam bentuk present tense (simple present, present continuous, and present perfect atau future tense) maka tidak ada perubahan tenses pada reported sentence dalam bentuk tidak langsung (indirect). Ini biasanya terjadi apabila:
1. Melaporkan suatu percakapan yang masih berlangsung
2. Membaca surat dan melaporkan apa isi surat tersebut
3. Membaca perintah dan langsung melaporkannya pada waktu tersebut
4. Melaporkan pernyataan yang sering muncul

John (phoning from the station), “I’m trying to get a taxi.”
• Siska says,” The sun rises every morning.

John says that he is trying to get a taxi.
• Siska says that the sun rises every morning.
Dari contoh di atas dapat disimpulkan perubahan untuk bentuk waktu dari reported speech sebagai berikut :
Direct Speech
Simple present
Present continuous
Present perfect
Present perfect continuous
Simple past
Past continuous
Indirect Speech
Simple past
Past continuous
Past perfect
Past perfect continuous
Past perfect
Past perfect continuous

kecuali :
Kalau reported speech berhubungan dengan kebenaran umum atau fakta yang sudah menjadi
kebiasaan, present indefinite atau simple present dalam reported speech tidak diubah ke dalam
bentuk lampau yang sesuai, melainkan tetap persis sebagaimana adanmya, contoh :
Direct Speech – Indirect Speech
He said, “The sun rises in the east” – He said that the sun rises in the east
Dalam reported speech, bila present tense diubah ke dalam past tense dengan peraturan I, kata sifat, kata kerja atau kata keterangan umumnya diubah:
Direct Speech
this = ini
these = ini
come = datang
here = di sini, ke sini
hence = dari sini
hither = ke tempat ini
ago = yang lalu
now = sekarang
today = hari ini
tomorrow = besok
yesterday = kemarin
last night = tadi malam
next week = minggu depan
thus = begini
contoh :
He said, “I will come here”.
Indirect Speech
that = itu
those = itu
go = pergi
there = di sana, ke sana
thence = dari sana
thither = ke tempat itu
before = lebih dahulu
then = pada waktu itu
that day = hari itu
next day = hari berikutnya
the previous day = sehari sebelumnya
the previous night = semalam sebelumnya
the following week = minggu berikutnya
so = begitu
He said that he would go there

1. ‘What do you want?’ she asked him.
2.    ‘Are you coming with us?’ he asked me.
3.    He asked, ‘When do you intend to make the payment?’
4.    ‘Do you come from China?’ said the prince to the girl.
5.    The poor man exclaimed, ‘Will none of you help me?’
6.  ‘Which way should I go?’ asked the little girl.
7.    Alladin said to the magician, ‘What have I done to deserve so severe a punishment?’
8.    ‘Don’t you know the way home?’ I said to her.
9.    ‘Do you write a good hand?’ the teacher said to the student.
10.    ‘Have you anything to say on behalf of the accused?’ said the judge finally.

1.  She asked him what he wanted.
2.    He asked me if I was coming/going with them.
3.    He enquired when I/he/she intended to make the payment.
4.    The prince asked the girl if she came from China.
5.    The poor man exclaimed whether none of them would help him.
6.    The little girl asked which way she should go.
7.    Alladin asked the magician what he had done to deserve so severe a punishment.
8.    I asked her whether she did not know the way home.
9.    The teacher asked the student if he/she wrote a good hand.
10.    The judge finally asked whether he/she had anything to say on behalf of the accused.
·         SUMBER: http://gunturghadafi.blogspot.com/2012/04/ada-dua-cara-untuk-mengungkapkan-apa.html
§  SUMBER:http://irena040506.wordpress.com/2010/05/21/direct-and-indirect-speech/

Adverbial Clause

Sebuah adverbial adalah kata keterangan, frase atau klausa adverbial adverbial yang memberi kami informasi tambahan tentang misalnya waktu, tempat, atau cara tindakan yang dijelaskan dalam bagian kalimat:
  • Kami telah tinggal di rumah ini selama lebih dari dua puluh tahun.
  • Kami tidur dengan tenang di tempat tidur kita ketika gempa terjadi.
Dari contoh-contoh, Anda dapat melihat bahwa posisi yang paling umum untuk adverbia adalah pada akhir kalimat adverbia Tempat (di sini di rumah ini) datang sebelum adverbia waktu (selama lebih dari dua puluh tahun). Cara adverbia (damai) datang sebelum adverbia tempat (di tempat tidur kami).
Mereka tidak selalu mengikuti pola ini. Ini berlaku khususnya untuk klausa adverbial. Dalam contoh di atas kita bisa mulai dengan klausa adverbial, jika hal itu penting untuk menyorotnya pada tahap ini dalam wacana:
  • Ketika gempa terjadi, kami tidur dengan tenang di tempat tidur kami.
Dengan demikian, adverbia menjawab pertanyaan seperti:
How often?
How long?
How much?

Where did you arrange to meet him? ~
http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/learnit/images/furniture/clear.gifI arranged to meet him outside the bank.
Why did you arrange to meet him there?
http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/learnit/images/furniture/clear.gifSo that he could give me the money.

How long did you wait for him?
http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/learnit/images/furniture/clear.gifI waited for half an hour but he didn't arrive.

When did you first meet him?
http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/learnit/images/furniture/clear.gifWe first met when he became the manager of the bank.

How often
have you been seeing him since then?
http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/learnit/images/furniture/clear.gifOnce a week, usually. More frequently, if his wife was away.
Note from the above examples that adverbs of frequency are often placed in mid-position in the sentence, as well as at end-position. Placing them before the subject is sometimes also possible:
  • I sometimes call on my younger sister when I'm in London
  • I never see my older sister, but occasionally I call my younger sister.
  • Yes I see her from time to time. We get together once in a blue moon.
Adverbial Clauses
A wide variety of different conjunctions are used to initiate adverbial clauses which function as the adverbial part of a main clause. Some of the most common are listed below:

when, after, before, as soon as

because, since, as

so that, in order to

although, whereas

as if, as though

if, provided (that), so long as, in case
  • We served drinks as soon as our friends arrived.
    After we had eaten, we played cards.
  • We moved to Cornwall because we wanted to live in the countryside. As the winters in the north east can be quite harsh, we decided to move to the south west.
  • I finished work early in order to catch the 4.30 train.
    I left work early so that I could catch the 4.30 train.
  • When I arrived home I went to see Joan although it was very late. Whereas in the 70s and 80s most men worked until they were 60 or 65, nowadays most retire when they are in their fifties.
  • He shook my hand warmly as if / as though he had known me for years.
  • You can borrow my car on Saturday, provided / so long as you return it by seven o' clock in the evening.
    Take a packed lunch with you, in case you get hungry.

·         kata keterangan dari cara
·         Perhatikan bahwa tidak semua kata keterangan dari cara yang menjawab pertanyaan Bagaimana ...? Di akhir-ly. Kebanyakan dari mereka lakukan, seperti ini
  • How did they sleep? ~ They slept peacefully
  • How well does she dance ~ She dances sublimely
But common exceptions include:
hardhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/learnit/images/furniture/clear.gif fast http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/learnit/images/furniture/clear.gifstraight http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/learnit/images/furniture/clear.giflate
  • He worked hard in order to pass the exam
  • He was driving straight at me and I ran very fast to get out of his way.
  • There was a power failure earlier today and the trains are all running late now.
Perhatikan juga bahwa kata sifat yang diakhiri dengan-ly, misalnya hidup, konyol indah, ramah, tidak dapat membentuk kata keterangan dengan menambahkan lain-ly karena hal ini tidak mungkin diucapkan. Sebaliknya cara lain harus ditemukan:

·         He behaved in such a silly way I was ashamed of him
Surprisingly, they were dancing in a very lively manner at the over 60s disco.

When does messi play playstation ?
When do you wake up ?
Where does play playstation ?
Where do you buy this cd?
How does messi play playstation ?
How do you can do play playstation ?
in want to improve your skills ?
How often does Any playing playstation ?
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When do you finish after playing playstation ?


every evening
 at 10 o' clock
in the home
in grand mall
very nice
 yes,of course
quite often
 in my room
 6 pm
Sumber: http://translate.google.co.id/translate?hl=id&langpair=en|id&u=http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/learnit/learnitv279.shtml